Employee Assistance Program

The Company recognizes that a wide range of problems - such as marital or family distress, alcoholism, and drug abuse - not directly associated with an individual’s job function can nonetheless be detrimental to an employee’s performance on the job. Consequently, we believe it is in the interest of employees and the Company to provide an effective program to assist employees and their families in resolving problems such as these as the need arises. To this end, the Company provides an Employee Assistance Program (EAP) for employees and their eligible family members. The EAP is designed to provide voluntary, private, confidential, and professional counseling outside the workplace for any type of personal problem. The EAP provides consultation services for referrals to local community treatment sources. All employees are eligible to use this program and are encouraged to do so. Employee visits to the EAP are held in confidence to the maximum possible extent.

Participation in the EAP does not excuse employees from otherwise complying with Company policies or from meeting normal job requirements during or after receiving assistance. Nor will participation in our employee assistance program prevent the Company from taking disciplinary action against any employee for performance problems that occur before, during, or after the employee seeks assistance through the program.

Kingdom Workers partners with Global Counseling Network (GCN) for our EAP program. GCN can be contacted via their website: http://www.globalcounselingnetwork.com/. Additionally, you can complete an online intake at: http://www.globalcounselingnetwork.com/contact-intake. When completing the intake form, please be sure to indicate that you are associated with Kingdom Workers.