GCN Statement of Faith:  


A perspective on the context for and purpose of counseling


GCN is an organization founded by Christians, designed to follow Christian principles, and to engage in Christian ministry. This statement of faith does not exhaust the extent of our beliefs.  The Bible itself, as the inspired and infallible Word of God that speaks with final authority  concerning truth, morality, and the proper conduct of mankind, is the sole and final source of all that we believe. For purposes of GCN’s faith, doctrine, practice, policy, and discipline, though,  the authorities described in GCN’s governing documents are the final interpretive authority on  the Bible’s meaning and application to the organization.  

We believe that Integrated counseling is a redemptive means of God’s grace as he works through  us. We believe that our work is a response to God’s work in our own lives and a means of his  mercy in the lives of our clients. We see our work, in a sense, as a form of worship as we work  for our clients as though working for the Lord (Col 3). Further, we believe that integrated  counseling is not the only style of counseling from which people can benefit but rather that  because it presumes upon the foundational truths of our existence, it thereby offers the most  significant opportunity for personal healing and growth. We believe our counseling need not be  explicitly ‘Christian’, regularly and frequently engaging biblical passages and citations or  recognized ‘Christian’ language to be effective. However, our counseling will always be informed  by the biblical story, empowered by the Holy Spirit, and, we pray, will bring honor to God as we  serve all those he brings to us, regardless of their religious preference.  


We believe in one (Dt 6) Triune God – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit (Ge 1, Mk 1, Mt 28) - who  created perfectly all that exists, including people (Ge 1, 2). God made people to share his image,  tend his creation, dwell with him in harmony, and multiply and fill the earth (Ge 2, 9). We are made intentionally, and God delights in us. (Gen 1,2; Is 9, 53; Zech 3, Lk 23; Ro 5:8) 


We believe the Bible is a trustworthy account (Jn 21) of God engaging with his creation at various  times and in various ways through history. (He 1:1-3) We believe the Bible, handed down through  the generations, is inerrant (in its autographs and rightly understood), living and active (He 4), and is the root of wisdom in all areas of life – past, present, and future. (2Tim 3).  


We believe that all people are created in God’s image, for his purposes, and to bring honor to  God (Ge 1). We believe that the image of God exists in all people and, in part, is made more visible  to us through reflection, introspection, and processing facilitated by integrated counseling.  


We recognize an original sin (Gen 3) and the individual sins (total depravity) of all people (Gen 6,  Ro 3, Ja 1). We believe that the result of sin is discord within ourselves and our relationships, an  impurity of thoughts and actions, a temptation to further sin, and an ultimate condemnation to  death at our final judgment before God. (Ro 6) We believe that integrated counseling helps us  reflect well on our own stories to better understand the motives and actions of ourselves and  others, our own temptations, wounding, and the impact of sin on ourselves and others. 


We believe in the Bible’s account of redemption through Jesus Christ alone (Ro 5). Recognizing  our sin and condemnation, we also believe that the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ has  propitiated the just wrath of God and satisfied our debt incurred through our sins. Further, we  believe that in his resurrection, Christ has demonstrated for all people the assurance of our  salvation, having overcome evil once and for all who believe. (Is 9, Ro 5) We believe that our  individual faith in Jesus Christ, the exclusive means of our salvation, transfers us from certain  death to certain life, a life everlasting (Jn 4, 11). We believe that integrated counseling is an  effective means of walking alongside people to help them rightly understand both their sin and  the effects thereof, as well as salvation available in Jesus Christ and the effects thereof. 


We believe in the Holy Spirit, the third person of the one, triune God (Mt 28, Jn 14, 16). We  believe the primary role of the Holy Spirit is maintaining our union with Christ by which we are  born again into new and eternal life. We also believe that God is at work in the world today  through people by the real presence of his Spirit (Jn 15). We believe that we are led, encouraged,  made wise, and made sufficient for our work through by the Holy Spirit and rely on his presence  daily (Ro 8).  


We believe that prayer is powerful and effective (Ja 5). We believe that all who have put their  faith in Christ are called to pray (Mt 6, Ja 5). We believe that prayer is an intimate and powerful  means of sanctification and that God hears the prayers of the faithful. We trust that in our  praying, our inward thoughts and desires, already known to God, are made known to us. We  believe that prayer is a means of grace and the opportunity for the believer to worship God,  honor God, cherish God, appeal to God, hear God, and come before the throne of God in heaven.  We believe that our prayers, though imperfect, are perfected before God the Father by Jesus  Christ who intercedes on our behalf. We believe the Spirit of God guides us when we do not know  how to pray (Ro 8). We believe that integrated counseling is aided by prayer as a means by which  the counselor can grow in spiritual maturity, wisdom, and insight, and that our clients benefit  from our prayer and their own as we appeal to God on their behalf.